Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I got conjunctivitis from something or other and I have found that the best cure is Chamomile tea bags, let the juice get in them too. I make a cup of Chamomile tea, using two tea bags. I drink the tea and then squeeze some of the juice out of the bags. You want them a bit wet, so that the tea can get into your eyes. Leave them in place for about 10 minutes and do it twice a day. But, don't miss a soak and do it for a couple of days after they seem cured. Just to make sure.

Be sure and throw away your mascara, and any other contaminated make up, so that you don't recontaminate yourself or any body that uses the makeup, like your daughter.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear you got conjunctivitis. My son had it a couple of years ago. How are you healing up? Not fun. Not fun at all. Jamie (aka. Just An All American Girl)
